The world is a stage After murdering Murray Franklin live on television, Arthur Fleck is incarcerated in Arkham State Hospital, where he meets Harleen Quinzel. The two fall madly in love and experience musical madness through their shared delusions, while...
A returning war veteran, stricken with PTSD, unwittingly gets trapped with his teenage sister on Boston’s Tobin Memorial Bridge as a heavily weaponized group of ex-military revolutionist take everyone hostage. FPB Classification: 16 L P VGenre: Action,...
The epic adventure follows the journey of a robot, ROZZUM unit 7134, “Roz” for short, that is shipwrecked on an uninhabited island and must learn to adapt to the harsh surroundings, gradually building relationships with the animals on the island and becoming the...
The untold origin story of Optimus Prime and Megatron, better known as sworn enemies, but once were friends bonded like brothers who changed the fate of Cybertron forever. FPB Classification: PGGenre: Action, Adventure, Family, Animation, Fantasy, Sci-FiRunning Time:...
A panda travels from China to Africa, facing hippos, hyenas, gorillas. He rescues his kidnapped dragon friend, makes new friends, and protects their jungle home. FPB Classification: PGGenre: Comedy, Adventure, Family, AnimationRunning Time: 84Language: EnglishCast:...